Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Alzheimer's Proven to Result from Lack of Sleep

Although it was known that Alzheimer's was linked to a lack of sleep, it was previously believed that this lack of sleep was the effect of the mental disease. New experiments show that, contrary to prior belief, it may be lack of sleep that causes the Alzheimer's.
Concentrations of protein that form the plaque build-ups in the brain and in the spinal fluid that cause Alzheimer's were found in mice that did not get enough sleep for three weeks, while those that recieved adequate sleep did not have these same build-ups. Becasue the protein levels in the brain drop every time an animal sleeps, the protein did not have the opportunity to build up in the mice that recieved adequate sleep.
For more information, see Alzheimer's Linked ot Lack of Zzzzs below, under For Further Information, Try:


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