Thursday, October 1, 2009

Worm Madness, Part 4

Continued from Part 3...
*Annelids. Ranging from earthworms to ragworms to leeches, this is the most well-known phylum of worms. Some (such as earthworms) are hermaphrodites, and almost all reproduce sexually. The majority of an annelid is made up of absolutely identical segments, with the exception of 2 segments of the head and 1 of the tail. They move by a contraction of their bodies. They are divided into the Clitellata, which include earthworms, are all hermaphrodites and often live on land. Polychaetes are primarily marine worms that have "flippers", called parapodia, on each segment.
* Nemertines. Known as ribbon worms or proboscis worms. Most nemerteans live on the sea floor, but some live in estuaries or even in fresh water or on land. They include herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores. Nome are parasitic, although some live on mollusks and catch food the mollusk failed to filter; this does not affect the mollusk. The bootlace worm, a nemertean, may well be the longest animal in the world at at least 30 meters, although the width is usually not over 1 centimeter.

-Brown Rhino

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