Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Naked Mole Rats May Be the Key to Stroke and Heart Attack Recovery

Naked mole rats are hairless, pink, practically blind rodents that are of the most repulsive earth-dwelling creatures. Despite this, they may be the answer to the recovery from occurances that deprive the brain of oxygen for extended periods of time such as heart attack, stroke, and drowning. Naked mole rats can be deprived of oxygen for up to 30 minutes and remain without brain damage; the most of any mammal.
Study of these mammals' brains may yeild clues to extended neurological health. The connections in the brain are often severed when deprived of oxygen, leaving the victim of such deprivation less in control of thoughts or movement than previously. Study of the naked mole rat may reveal what must be changed in order to speed recovery. For a more thourough story, see:


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